This is the derivative of the Daihatsu Move Custom. Owner wanted it to be detailed in and out. It took me around 30hours to complete the whole car But before that:
First and foremost, I apologize for the lack of "befores" as majority of the pictures taken were corrupted thus unusable.
So here goes, car went in on Friday night.
- Engine PW to loosen grime & dust
- Sprayed with APC+ and SuperDegreaser
- PW to rinse
- Dried with cotton towel + MFs
- Hyperdressing on plastic components
- D151 on all painted parts (under front hood included)
- Wheels washed with APC+ and WheelBrightener
- Tires washed with SuperDegreser
- Wheel wells and undercarriage on APC (Osren)
- All parts agitated with various brushes
- PW to rinse
- Body PW to loosen up dirty and muck
- Emblems and other intricate parts cleaned with APC+ and agitated with various brushes
- Hyperwash+ Meguiars MF mitt used to wash whole car
- PW to rinse
- Water Magnets to dry
- Meguiars Blue Clay with ONR as lube
- G220
- M205
- Meguiars 6.5" Yellow Polishing Pad
- LC 4" Flat Pads - white and black
- D151 used on door jambs
- GooGone to facilitate cleaning on tougher stains (painted parts)
- Stains on plastics - APC+ and brush & GooGone
- Lots of ADS MFs
- Lots of Meguiars Supreme Shine MFs
- LSP Paint: M21 2.0
- LSP Glass: RainX
- LSP Metal: Meguiars All Metal Polish
- Wheels polished with D151 and topped with M16
- Tires on All Season Dressing
- Door seals, roof rubber lining, door handle, other plastic/rubber - M40
- Tailpipes on All Metal Polish
- Defelsko DFT Combo
- Hi Lumens LED torch
- Metal Halide Light Source
- Took around 12hours to do all the correction
- Thorough vac throughout interior
- APC on seats, agitated with Meguiars Interior Brush
- Extracted with warm water
- Carpets vacuumed, APC+ and PW to clean
- Vinyl interior wipedown APC+
- M40 on all plastics/rubber.
- Seats received 303 Fabric Guard (2 coats)
Note: Opted to wash the car first as to lessen the next day's work load
Here's pictures of the car after being washed. Took only a few picture as it was very late.