The car is owned by my friend's parents. They didnt really took care of it (cosmetic wise) so I voluntered to help them to clean it up (Christmas gift

The car is White (clearcoat). Showed signs of repaint on front hood, front fender and driver's door. But strangely, film build was consistent throughout the car even on the painted panels.

Paint was quite oxidized. Tons of mud stuck under the wheel wells.
Interior was quite dirty. I found few baby cockroaches inside also

Judging from the owner's expectation and the time given to me (very short considering the condition of the car), a simple cleanup is the way to go.
Here are some pictures of the before:

Front Passanger Door had a brighter white then the passager's door.

Stains on hood

Dirt and grime

Yellow tint on the car - oxidization

Owner tried doing some paint touchup.

Sorry not focused but bumper had yellow tint on it

Looks like wax residue..

Diesel powered - 2.0 dont see these often around here


Closeup of stains

Rear speaker console

Centre console

Flash on

Front Seats

There were dust and dirt stucked allover the dash.

Airvents dusty
So, summary of the clean up
Full interior Vacuum
APC on all interior vinyl
Steam cleaned on all vinyl surface
Seats, carpets scrubed with APC and extracted out
Door jambs - APC and APC+ scrubed & hosed off.
Hyper Dressing on all vinyl
Plastic mats on H. Dressing
M23 on all fabric seats and carpet
Door jambs - D151
Some picts

50/50 shot on the front passager seat

A closeup

Rushing so only took few picts
Clayed body panel & front and rear windscreen (blue bar+LT)
D151 on marron and yellow pad. (RIDS still remains)
Final wipe - M135
Tires on ASD
Wheel wells on H. Dressing
Headlights and rear lights console - PlastX on yellow app. - hand rubbed
Front and rear windscreen sealed with RainX
Some picts of the exterior

50/50 shot of front hood



Reflections After - way better than before
Black spots are stone chips

Front Hood

By the way, engine- didnt touch. Owner told me not to mess with it. The metal rims were also just cleaned up with APC.
Delivered back to the owner and they were very pleased. Nice to see them smilling. Kept touching the hood and driver's door with the back of the palm saying it was smooth as glass

Thanks for viewing
Comments/suggestions are welcomed.
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