At first, I though maximum of 16hours would suffice to get it back to a better level, but I encountered buffer hop and the polish was gumming up faster than normal. But a tweak in polishing method and also the product application process helped to solve it.
I spent a minimum 16hours on the paint itself plus another 8hours on other parts (engine, interior, wheels, etc) - span of 3 days.
So here goes...
Day 1: Pictures taken during various time span

Looks ok right? Wait till you shine a light on it



So, as usual I started with the interior.
Here's a simple summary of the things that have been done
1. Noodle Floor mat taken out then airblown with compressed air. Scrubbed with APC+ then PW'd.
2. Fabric mat - scrubed with APC+ then extracted with hot water extractor
3. Loose dust airblown with compresser air.
4. Complete and thorough vac on the interior coupled with various brushes (for vents, nooks, etc)
4. Vinyl wipe down with APC+ then protected with M40
5. Fabric seats and door skin were scrubbed with APC (on various brushes) then extracted with hot water extractor. Once dried - sprayed M23 Odor Eliminator
Here are some of the after pictures (taken on various time span)

I then continued on with the engine wash
Summary of the work
1. Loose dust blown with compressed air
2. Cover the electrical stuff
3. Sprayed Super Degreaser (on foam head) and let soak, a minute or so
4. Scrubbed using various brushes then PW off.
5. Used compressed air to dry + generic MFs.
6. Once dried, strut bar, engine bay trimmings, plastic bottles, etc were polished with D151 (hand)
7. Rubbers were dressed with HyperDressing 4:1, let cook for 15-20minutes.
Here are the pictures.

Stop for DAY 1.
DAY 2 & 3 : Correction on paint and plastic
Summary of things I've done
1. PW to remove loose dirt.
2. Pre foamed with Hyperwash
3. Wheels & tires cleaned with Wheel Brightener, Super Degreaser, APC coupled with various brushes. PW gunk off.
4. Rinsed with PW then rewashed with Hyperwash (2BM) on MF mitts.
5. Dried with 2 Water Magnet
6. Clayed with Megs Blue with Last Touch (1:1) as lube
7. IPA wipedown
8. Polishing - M105, M83, M80 (liquids) and Purple Foam Wool Pad, Yellow 2.0, Yellow (old), Black 2.0, Tan (old fin pad), LC White (pads) all on Rotary
9. LSP - OEM paint - M21 2.0 (2 coats) ; RESPRAYED PART - M07
10. Head lights and rear light cluster polished with PlastX.
Here are the pictures

After a pass of PlastX. Took out the haze quite easily. Deeper scratches remained.

Looks nice eh

50/50 shot after one pass of M83

The dual halogens didn't really showed the defects. So I opt for the LED instead.

Roof reflections on LED
Here are some of the pictures again, taken on Day 3

Owner was really happy to see the car. He was glad that the interior was all cleaned up and also the exterior was better than new

Hope I did not left anything out..
Thanks for viewing.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
I wish I'm in KK now, so that you can brighten up my baby